Hoy es otro de esos días en los que estoy charlatana. Ha habido algunos post últimamente en los que he hablado más sobre mi vida personal (ejemplos AQUÍ, AQUÍ y AQUÍ) y sí, me siento mejor por ello. Os cuento. En el último de estos 3 post que os he dejado como ejemplos recibí muchos comentarios, pero hubo uno en concreto que me hizo pensar. Decía algo así "qué post más liberador" (gracias de nuevo Mapi).
He vivido situaciones delicadas de un tiempo hacia aquí, he tenido que superar muchas decepciones de personas que creía que me querían y, todo ello, en uno de los momentos más importantes de mi vida, ser mamá. Anteriormente vivía mi cuento de princesas, mi falso cuento de princesas y nunca había tenido que recurrir a un psicólogo porque mi vida parecía perfecta. Pero con todo el stress de adaptarme a la nueva situación me recomendaron visitar uno. Fui un día, no necesite más. Al salir me dí cuenta de que tengo a mi alrededor a tanta gente que me apoya, que me escucha, que me aconseja y que me quiere que ya tenía, diariamente, a muchas personas haciendo de psicólogos. Pero, además, me di cuenta del papel tan importante que juega el blog en mi vida. Cada vez que escribo es como si me quitara un peso de encima, como dijo Mapi en su comentario, me libero. Os prometo que me contengo muchísimo, que si no estuviera mi nombre, mi foto... quizás contaría mucho más, estoy convencida de que más de uno pensara que ya me estoy pasando. A veces creo que debería escribir un libro con mi historia (todos lo hemos pensado alguna vez, verdad?), con lo rápido que estoy saliendo adelante y con todos los trucos que utilizo para estar 100% cada día. Igual podría venir bien a otras personas que estén en situaciones similares. Pero de momento, contando mis sentimientos de vez en cuando en el blog, ya me siento mucho mejor.
- Añado que considero importante el papel de profesionales como son los psicólogos pero, por mi forma de ser, mi positivismo y fuerza y el apoyo tan grande con el que cuento, no necesito ayuda médica de ningún tipo. Y quizás si alguien lo lee y esté ploff pueda verse reflejado y servirle de ayuda-.
Gracias a cada uno de vosotros por valorarme y animarme diariamente desde hace casi 5 años y ahora más que nunca. Con vosotros me siento una estrella.
El título del post es por eso, porque me hacéis sentir una estrella. El look de hoy, además, es muy así. El vestido lo he comprado en rebajas por 10 euros, tiene una medida que no me suele gustar mucho pero como estoy en momento de cambio decidí probar. Mientras no me dé por alcohol y drogas :P. El abrigo ha sido un éxito. Es de mi madre, perdón, era de mi madre. Lo visteis en este super post con un look informal (que salió entre los 10 mejores looks de la revista Woman hace dos semanas) y ya lo tengo entre los favoritos de mi vestidor, me lo he adjudicado. El collar también lo llevé hace poco AQUÍ con la pulsera a juego, y le voy a sacar mucho partido para llevar en looks más casual con jeans. Es de Tolmo Joyeros. En cuanto al resto de complementos son habituales en el blog de un tiempo hacía aquí.
En fin, que espero que os guste y que tengáis una semana ideal. Gracias por este momento tan liberador, yo ya empiezo la semana con menos peso. Muuuuak!
Today is one of those days that I'm talkative. There have been some recent post in which I have told you more about my personal life (examples HERE, HERE and HERE) and I feel better for it. In the last of these 3 post that I have left as examples I received many comments but there was one that made me think. It said something like "what more liberating post" (thanks again Mapi).
I have lived difficult situations, I have had to overcome many disappointments of people who thought they wanted me and all of this, in one of the most important moments of my life, being a mom. Previously I lived my fairy princesses, my false fairy princesses, and I had never had to resort to a psychologist because my life seemed perfect. But with all the stress of adjusting to the new situation they recommended me to visit one. I went one day but no need to go further. On leaving there I realized that I have around me so many people supporting me, listening to me, advising me and loves me I already had, every day, many people making psychologists. But also, I realized the important role played by the blog in my life. Every time I write it as if I removed a weight off as Mapi said in her commentary, I release. If it was not my name, picture ... maybe tell more but can not be, I am convinced that more than one thought that story too. Sometimes I think I should write a book about my story (I think we've all ever thought jeje), so fast I'm moving forward and all the tricks I use to be 100% every day, if that can help others who are in similar situations. But for now, counting my feelings from time to time on the blog, I already feel much better.
- Add that I consider important the role of professionals such as psychologists but for my personality, my positivity and strength and so much support I have, I do not need any medical help. And maybe if someone reads it and is sad can be reflected and serve to help-.
Thank you very much for rate me and encourage me daily for almost five years ago and now more than ever. With you I feel like a star.
The title of the post is that, because you make me feel a star. Today's look is very star. I bought the dress on sale for 10 euros, is a measure not usually in me but I wanted to try. The coat has been a success. It's my mother, sorry, it was my mother. You saw it in this super post with a casual look (which came in the top 10 looks Woman magazine two weeks ago) and I have it among the favorites of my closet, I've awarded it. I wear the necklace recently HERE and I'm going to get much game to take on casual looks with jeans. It's from Tolmo Joyeros. For the rest of supplements are all common in the blog a while ago here.
Anyway, hope you like it and hope you have a great week. Thank you for this moment so liberating, I start with less weight. Muuuuak!
El título del post es por eso, porque me hacéis sentir una estrella. El look de hoy, además, es muy así. El vestido lo he comprado en rebajas por 10 euros, tiene una medida que no me suele gustar mucho pero como estoy en momento de cambio decidí probar. Mientras no me dé por alcohol y drogas :P. El abrigo ha sido un éxito. Es de mi madre, perdón, era de mi madre. Lo visteis en este super post con un look informal (que salió entre los 10 mejores looks de la revista Woman hace dos semanas) y ya lo tengo entre los favoritos de mi vestidor, me lo he adjudicado. El collar también lo llevé hace poco AQUÍ con la pulsera a juego, y le voy a sacar mucho partido para llevar en looks más casual con jeans. Es de Tolmo Joyeros. En cuanto al resto de complementos son habituales en el blog de un tiempo hacía aquí.
En fin, que espero que os guste y que tengáis una semana ideal. Gracias por este momento tan liberador, yo ya empiezo la semana con menos peso. Muuuuak!
Today is one of those days that I'm talkative. There have been some recent post in which I have told you more about my personal life (examples HERE, HERE and HERE) and I feel better for it. In the last of these 3 post that I have left as examples I received many comments but there was one that made me think. It said something like "what more liberating post" (thanks again Mapi).
I have lived difficult situations, I have had to overcome many disappointments of people who thought they wanted me and all of this, in one of the most important moments of my life, being a mom. Previously I lived my fairy princesses, my false fairy princesses, and I had never had to resort to a psychologist because my life seemed perfect. But with all the stress of adjusting to the new situation they recommended me to visit one. I went one day but no need to go further. On leaving there I realized that I have around me so many people supporting me, listening to me, advising me and loves me I already had, every day, many people making psychologists. But also, I realized the important role played by the blog in my life. Every time I write it as if I removed a weight off as Mapi said in her commentary, I release. If it was not my name, picture ... maybe tell more but can not be, I am convinced that more than one thought that story too. Sometimes I think I should write a book about my story (I think we've all ever thought jeje), so fast I'm moving forward and all the tricks I use to be 100% every day, if that can help others who are in similar situations. But for now, counting my feelings from time to time on the blog, I already feel much better.
- Add that I consider important the role of professionals such as psychologists but for my personality, my positivity and strength and so much support I have, I do not need any medical help. And maybe if someone reads it and is sad can be reflected and serve to help-.
Thank you very much for rate me and encourage me daily for almost five years ago and now more than ever. With you I feel like a star.
The title of the post is that, because you make me feel a star. Today's look is very star. I bought the dress on sale for 10 euros, is a measure not usually in me but I wanted to try. The coat has been a success. It's my mother, sorry, it was my mother. You saw it in this super post with a casual look (which came in the top 10 looks Woman magazine two weeks ago) and I have it among the favorites of my closet, I've awarded it. I wear the necklace recently HERE and I'm going to get much game to take on casual looks with jeans. It's from Tolmo Joyeros. For the rest of supplements are all common in the blog a while ago here.
Anyway, hope you like it and hope you have a great week. Thank you for this moment so liberating, I start with less weight. Muuuuak!

Vestido/Dress: Pull&bear
Abrigo/Coat: Local store
Bolso/Bag: Purificación García
Zapatos/Heels: Christian Loboutin
Gafas de sol/Sunnies: Prada
Collar/Necklace: Cavalierí vía Tolmo Joyeros
Anillos/Rings: Le Carré
